Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 5: Living Food Expo and Vardo Cafe Reveiw

     After finding out about a raw food expo going on in Santa Monica I decided to spend the day on Venice beach before attending the food expo and hitting up the popular vegan restaurant Vardo Café. The living food expo was interesting to say the least. There was a small group of about fifteen venders that varied from raw uncooked chocolate to special healing water from Japan. While their were a few people who I questioned their sanity, such as the lady selling blocks of plastic that were suppose to detoxify anything they touch, their were also a couple booths that I found to be quite intriguing.

     The booth I found to be the most interesting was the raw food booth that had a biophotonic scanner which was suppose to show your antioxidant status and inevitably determine whether the supplements you are taking are currently working. This technology was introduced on Doctor Oz's Show "Cancer Fighting Antioxidants" and is suppose to show your carotenoids score or antioxidant level.

  I tried the test myself and found that I fell in the orange zone at 21,000 which meant that I had a low presence of skin carotenoids. Most Americans fall in the red or orange zones, from dietary habits with low consumption of food and vegetables, no supplementation or stuff that doesn't absorb well into your body, as well as bad lifestyle choices such as smoking, high stress, and high BMI. If you are interested in learning more about this new technology check out Dr Oz's show or go to

     After the expo I decided to check out Vardo Cafe for I had seen great reviews of it on yelp.The ambiance was superb and it was almost like walking into a different country. I found the atmosphere to be funky and fun, but unfortunately it couldn't compare to the last amazing vegan restaurant I went to "Follow Your Heart". The service at Vardo Cafe was bad, I had to walk around a building and into some random parking structure to use the bathroom, and the food was outrageously priced. Overall I do not recommend it.

      Although while there were quite a few short falls the food was still great....well it better be for that price. I ordered the CoCo Sea Gypsy Soup which had fresh cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, and broccoli in a warm coconut lemongrass gallant root broth. I found it to be rich, warm, and fulfilling. For more intormation about Vardo Cafe check out there web site or Yelp.

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